What is a Valid Prescription?

Zaheer Ahmed Shaik

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

As every document has its own authenticity, Prescription too has its own, a prescription is said to be valid or invalid depending on following conditions.

A Prescription is said to be valid only if:

1. The name of the hospital or clinic should be clearly visible on the prescription.

2. The prescription written date should be clearly visible on the prescription.

3. Name of the doctor and his/her qualification should be clearly mentioned on the prescription.

4. Registration number of the doctor is mandatory and should be visible on the prescription either in printed form or in hand-written form.

5. Patient details (Name, Gender and Age) should be mentioned on the prescription.

6. Diagnosis by the doctor should be mentioned on prescription.

7. Rx: The name of the medicines along with their dosing frequency should be mentioned on the prescription.

8. Finally the prescription should be signed by the doctor who wrote it.

9. The prescription should not be too old. Validity of prescription should be mentioned on it. If validity is not mentioned on prescription then we will consider the prescription as valid if the prescription doesn't crosses 3 months from its written date.

A prescription is said to be invalid if it doesn't meet the above requirements.

However now-a-days digital prescriptions are provided by the doctors. We will approve them after keen observation and verification.

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